Working with Bob
So, I'm proud of this work, but prouder still that I got to work with one of the legends of photography - the late and very great Mr Bob Carlos Clarke. For the few years that I knew him after this project he would quite often ring me and sing to the tune of Martha Reeves & The Vandellas' 'Jimmy Mack'...
Which was just like Bob. Full of fun and mischief. I'd loved his work for years and so when this idea came off the drawing board and the client actually said that they wanted to make it, he was first choice.
The product was Persil Black Velvet. It was created to keep your dark and coloured clothes unfaded in the wash. The insight was that people won't wear black clothes once they've faded past a certain point and we exaggerated that fashion faux pas with this silly campaign that got quite a fan base, and sold a lot of product. It was important that the girls weren't objectified, but strong, confident and in control. Bob's respect for his models and understanding of the idea brought it to life sensitively and in a way that men and women got.
Above: The last shot that we took on the day. Totally un-scouted location on the north side of the Thames, beside Battersea Bridge. We'd been battling all sorts of mishaps - the police moving us on when the models caused motorists to nearly run into one another, security guards moving us on at City Airport, a location we'd actually booked being demolished. Bob was looking out of the window of the van and just saw the shot. We all had to jump out and do it. He was very commanding, in a good way. The light was fading so he screwed a ring flash onto the front of the camera and the model was just amazing. It was all over in 5 minutes. We'd taken two other shots and had given them each hours of time, but this one spontaneous moment gave us the best shot. Sometimes it happens like that. Let spontaneity happen.
We took two other shots. The very lovely Kaja Wunder is in this shot:
Last time I spoke to Bob he had been asked to take some shots for an incontinence pants brand. I think he was a bit disconsolate about it, but I said that if anyone coudl make them look stylish and sexy he could. He chirped up and said that he 'bloody well could'. Bob had that indomitable creative that believed that there was always a way of finding the magic and the possibility. I wished he's had it that day in March 2006.